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    Thumbnail Filmstrip of W14-32 | 2" O-Ring Code 61 Elbow Block Images

      W14-32 | 2" O-Ring Code 61 Elbow Block
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      Purchase W14-32 | 2" O-Ring Code 61 Elbow Block

      PART #: W14-32
      W14-32 | 2" O-Ring Code 61 Elbow Block

      Product Reviews


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    • Code 61 Elbow Block
      O-Ring Part # Flat Face Part # Pad Size A B C D E F G H I Unc-2B J K Mounting Hardware
      o-Ring SHCS
      W14-12 W15-12 0.75 2.62 2.47 1.875 0.875 2.25 0.75 1.25 0.406 3/8-16 1.03 1.03 214 3/8-16X3.00
      W14-16 W15-16 1 2.82 2.47 2.062 1.031 2.47 1 1.56 0.406 3/8-16 1.16 1.09 219 3/8-16X3.25
      W14-20 W15-20 1.25 3.19 2.97 2.312 1.188 2.97 1.25 1.75 0.469 7/16-14 1.44 1.31 222 7/16-14X4.00
      W14-24 W15-24 1.5 3.75 3.47 2.75 1.406 3.47 1.5 2.115 0.531 1/2-13 1.62 1.62 225 1/2-13X4.50
      W14-32 W15-32 2 4 3.97 3.062 1.688 3.97 2 2.49 0.531 1/2-13 1.91 1.91 228 1/2-13X5.00